It’s a BOY!
On Monday, Oct. 25th we went to our ultrasound! With a full bladder, I endured a 30 minute prodding session. David got to watch it all and at the end, she turned the screen and gave us both a guided tour of our little prince. We saw his heart beat, his eyes (well, the “spots” where they are), his fingers, toes, kidneys, nose, chin, profile, bones, umbilical cord and the “man-proof!” When she announced that it was a boy, my heart fluttered with joy (as did David’s)! We would have been thrilled either way, but how fun to have a baby boy…and as David says “Well, at least there will be someone in the family to carry on the Karnes name.”
Speaking of fluttering…I felt our baby boy move for the first time during the ultrasound! She had to prod him to get him to move so she could measure his spine and I think he had one of his biggest movements because I most definitely felt him! How fun! I have felt him move a couple times since…and love it!
I love being pregnant and finally being able to dream of our baby with more specifics – like what HE will look like, what HE will be like, if HE will play sports, etc. It feels more real now…and the belly is definitely a pregnant belly now…not just a few extra lbs. I love it! Although, the hips are rounding out almost as nicely as the belly (oh well!). My mom and I made an agreement back in the August that by my cousin Rae’s wedding on November 13, I would gain 10lbs and she would lose 10. Well, I went to the gym today and have hit the 10lb mile marker. I started this journey at 118 and am now 128.8 (okay, no woman will ever round up when it comes to her weight….even when she’s pregnant!) I feel and look like I’ve gained way more than 10! I do love these changes though and seeing my belly grow because it means that my BABY BOY is GROWING and with each week, he is that much closer to being in my arms!
I am 19 weeks ….almost half way done! WOW! I feel like it’s going pretty quickly, but David can just hardly stand it – it’s going so slowly for him. He wants his SON out and in his arms!
18 weeks
18 Weeks Ultrasound
1. Upper left = Kbabe's "manhood" (notice the arrow. He is sitting indian-style. You can also see his left femur bone pretty clearly!)
2. Upper right = precious profile
3. Lower left = hand (four fingers shown - the 5th is tucked in - she assured us there are five though)
4. Lower right = Little foot!