Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Celebrating 5

David and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary this past Friday on August 19!  I adore my husband.  I am beyond thankful for our marriage.  In a world where marriages are crumbling all around or settling to endure the years with complacency....I am thankful to my God, my loving Father, for giving us and sustaining a sweet and strong union!  I don’t give credit to God because it’s the “Christian” thing to do; I give credit to God because I have experienced His love working in me and through me to love David.  I have experienced being loved by a husband who seeks God, hears God and then loves me out of that overflow.  When things are difficult, God reminds me to find my strength, peace and identity in Him.  He pursues me with His love.  God tells me things like “I have loved you, my people [Betsy], with an everlasting love.  With an unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” (Jeremiah 31:3)   God first and foremost fills my heart with the very real need to feel accepted, loved, embraced and cared for.  Then, I love David  and don’t expect him to meet the needs of my heart that only God can.  From this place of security, I love David and am thankful.  I can respond to him with grace, patience and mercy.  My husband sits with Jesus every morning, learning from Him and letting God’s word be written upon his heart.  Then, when he encounters an emotionally unstable or frustrated wife, he responds with tenderness and patience.  When we love God more, we love one another more.  For 5 years we have experienced this.  So, I PRAISE GOD for my marriage! 
David is so sweet.  He got down on his knees, reread his wedding vows to me and gave me a very, very special gift.  He placed another wedding band on my hand.  It’s stunning.  I cried and read him my vows and cried again while reading them because there was such a deeper meaning behind the words.  We have lived out our vows and I can say them with more sincerity, promise and comittment. 

Today is Jack David’s 5 month birthday!  I have so much love for this baby boy and have learned so, so much in the past 5 months.  I have never loved anyone so much just for “who they are,” and not for anything they can do.  He is smiling, giggling, sleeping, eating and bringing joy to my heart every day!   
The "Brinca, Brinca"  (Brinca means Jump in Spanish)

Tummy time....WEEE!

Jack LOVES his Daddy!  David can comfort and calm Jack like no one else (even me!)  

Heart = melted.  I never want to let go in moments like this.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Record Breaker: 63 days of living in an oven.

Leave it to throwing my back out to get me to slow down, sit down, and type out some of the thoughts I have been wanting to share on this blog.  In my mind I envisioned myself frequently updating my blog to document the growth, transitions, exciting moments and even the normal day-to-day glories of mothering Jack.  People always ask me if I am journaling Jack’s growth, so here’s to journaling.  Right now. 
I can’t go back and pretend like I’m documenting  Jack’s first 5 months in real time (I did think about it though...but I guess writing entries and making up dates would confuse people and myself when the posts automatically put the date at the bottow).  So here are some highlights of the past few months:

Month 3 (June 2011- July 2011):
1.        1.  Rolling over well from his belly to back...which has it’s perks: more entertainment for himself and it has it’s drawbacks: this little belly sleeper  rolls over at night and then cries when on his back because he isn’t used to sleeping that way...which meant I was back to getting up once a night (or three times) to roll him back over. 
2.      2.    Grabbing things in his hands – I still have to help him, but he could grasp items well.
3.      3.   Giggling more and more (a personal favorite)
4.     4.    Sleeping 8-10 hours a night!  (ok wait...this is the personal favorite)

Month 4 (July 2011 – mid August 2011)
1.     1.  Jack just began rolling over from his back to his belly (ok, so just a couple of times but I think THIS will really be a personal favorite because it will help him put HIMSELF back to sleep at 3am...haha). 
2.    2.  Lots of giggles.  My sister-in-law, Anna-Maria, came to visit and began making cute kissy noises as she kissed Jack’s neck and he LOVED it...he giggled and giggled.  David makes funny noises and Jack just looks at him in amazement and giggles (uh, warms my heart!)
3.      4.   Holding onto objects for about a minute.  When I put things in his hands to hold, he can keep it there for about a minute or so now, so he’s more aware that something is actually in his hands.
4.     5.    Jack went in his baby pool for the first time and I thought he would be kicking his legs and splashing about...but he just layed between my legs and enjoyed the relaxing float.
5.     6.  Jack’s personal favorite: the “brinca, brinca.”  This is his jumper/swing that he adores.  He has hasn’t quite gotten down the drill of jumping up and down in the swing, BUT he is really getting the hang of running a couple steps, picking up his feet and letting his body swing back.  Sheer delight for his little senses! 
6.     7.    Jack had his 4 month check-up and sweet Dr. Kemper said she looked perfect (with one exception: cradle cap).  I had to buy a shampoo called Nizoral to get rid of it.  I am hoping this isn’t a sign of Jack taking after his mommy with expensive hair treatments/products.  This bottle of shampoo costs $50!!!  (I couldn’t find it at ANY of the 7 stores I looked at in Waco because they moved their manufacturing plant and are awaiting FDA approval, so I had to order it on Amazon from a company that had some in stock...talk about supply and demand!)   Jack weighed a little over 17lbs and I actually didn’t find out his height!  I’ll get it off his record when I go back at 6 months.  Everyone comments that he is very long for his age...here’s to hoping he gets the tall genes in the family! 
7.     8.    I think Jack is starting to become VERY aware of where his mommy and daddy are.  He started this new little whine (which is actually quite a cute sound) sometimes when we leave the room or leave him alone for too long.  He is also quite the homebody right now.  We went on a Spanish Ministry Retreat this past weekend and whew...it was anything but a “retreat” for me.  He did not like sleeping in a new place and being surrounded by lots of loud (but lovely) children!  It was just too much for him!  When we returned home, it was like night and day!  He began giggling and smiling, took wonderful naps in his own bed, and was so very pleasant!  Not that I want to go through that again, but we better get him used to being away from home because I don’t want to go through that every time we spend the night elsewhere!   

Okay, these were just supposed to be “bullet points” and each “highlight” has gotten longer than the previous one.  Oops. 

Jack will be 5 months in one week!!  He is sleeping 9 hours a night and car seat riding is much easier (this is a worthy note because it was quite tramatic for the first few months). 

We are spending the summer INSIDE because as I type this, the weatherman is reporting that we have broken a record in Texas: 63 days over 100+ degrees.  This has been the hottest summer on record in Texas!  Poor little Jack...he and mama are trying to get some vitamin D elsewhere. 

Time to refreeze my icepack that is on my back and feed the awaking little squeaker!  Praying for GRACE this week as my back heals and I am trying to care for Jack (not easy when I can hardly walk, let alone lift him up to carry him from room to room!) 

I do want to end this with a thought of thankfulness.  I am thankful for my overall health and thankful for a healthy almost 5 month old.  We are blessed! 

OH...one more thought!  On this Monday,  I pray for all my teacher friends that are returning to work.  Their summer is over.  I cannot even BEGIN to describe how wonderful it is to NOT be going back to work.  I am BEYOND THANKFUL to be able to stay at home with Jack.  I LOVE being a stay-at-home mom!