We went to our first doctor’s appointment yesterday at 8:30a.m. Everything is confirmed! Our little “chocolate chip” has a strong, beating heart! We saw the little flash on the screen and couldn’t be more delighted. Our sweet doctor affirmed us that everything looks great and I was indeed 7 weeks and 3 days along. The due date is still on for March 24 (my maternal grandmother’s birthday!) This date couldn’t be anymore perfect for us! I would post the picture of the ultrasound, but our little chip is still so tiny and it’s not a very clear picture – I don’t think anything would be recognizable after I scan and post. So, you’ll have to wait until the next one...whenever that will be! We are excited and I guess we can make things official now!
David comes home from work each day and says “how’s our little chocolate chip?” (that’s the current size of our baby). He/she (or rather the hormones) are wrecking some havoc on me; but it’s all worth it. Today I was madly craving pickles, so after a long day of work, David lovingly went and bought me a huge jar of the BIG pickles (he’s the best!). Within about 3 bites I felt so much better after nearly 7 hours of nausea. Pickles have never tasted sooo good! Then we ran a few errands and all I wanted was a popsicle, so we went back to the store and settled on creme pops and fudgsicles (couldn’t decide if I wanted fruity or chocolate...why not both?). Till next time, much love! Please keep our little chocolate chip (and me) in your prayers!
How sweet. Sounds like this little chip has Africa in her or his future. We are so excited. That little one is now about the size of an almond. Can't wait to see pictures. Love you. Pappa Karnes