People keep asking me how I feel (well, that’s not new), but my response is! I don’t know how to describe it other than “I feel so full of baby!” It’s weird how I can be starving, yet my belly feel so full and and bizarre. Baby boy’s feet (assuming it’s his feet) kick against my ribs multiple times a day (and definitely every night) and sometimes it feels like a little foot gets stuck up there under my ribs. I try to kind of push him down, but I don’t want to hurt I just take it! Sleeping has officially reached the “uncomfortable” stage and I have one spot in my mid/side back that aches so much if I sit too long in the same position. I have daily heartburn now, which is a bummer because I thought I was in the clear. I had only a couple bouts of it in earlier weeks, but the burning sensation visits me regularly these days. I have a feeling it might stick around through the next 7 weeks..bummer. I am getting a lot more tired and feel the need for a serious nap every day (okay, that’s not new either...but it’s intensified now!) We had a “snow day” yesterday, which was crazy because there was no snow, nor was there any ice after 8a.m. Texans are weirdos. It will be cold (it was 15 degrees today!!!) and people freak out and refuse to go outside...which means you can’t go to school either (last I checked we worked in a heated building and most people have cars with heaters). However, I glady received the news and then took a 2 hour siesta....(ahhh, so refreshing!). Watch for my post on May 30th (Memorial Day) and remind me of how sweet it was to take a nap yesterday on the “snow day” because I will be complaining about going to school to make-up for the missed day yesterday (grr) and having spend another day away from baby boy! I think I’ve gained 25lbs now...which I’m okay with. At first I kept thinking “I cannot get on the scale and see 150!” but I think that might happen now, seeing that I’m at 143lbs and have 7 more weeks to go...oh well. I guess the only real thing that bothers me about my body is that now when I look at my thighs, I see cellulite on the front of them...THE FRONT!
Enough of the “negatives,” though – I have so much to be thankful for! I have 7 weeks left and am getting more and more excited. Monday we finished our 2nd childbirth class (of 3) and took a tour of the Labor and Delivery rooms and the Mother and Baby rooms (they move you across the hall 2 hours after you deliver). The hospital is 2 years old, so it’s very nice! David and I both felt much more excited after the tour because I think it made it all feel so much more real. Not like the kicks, growing belly and heartburn don’t make it feel real! David was the volunteer to get on the delivery bed and demonstrate several different positions women can get into to help make labor more comfortable (hilarious!) He even practiced breathing while “modeling” for us. Around 8:30p.m. all the tired, achey, and sick-of-standing women welcomed a good laugh! He’s a trooper. Yes, I got a picture, but it’s on my phone and I don’t know how to get it into my blog....haha.
Okay, time to grade papers.....or take some Tums and go to bed???? Hmm..the second option sounds so much better! Oh, we are going to be seeking God and praying about labor, delivery and still praying about Kbabe’s name, so please join us! If God speaks anything to you, please pass it along!
David's birthday present: His Daddy Bag (aka a cool Patagonia Backpack) |
David's daddy-time blanket (I made this quilt for David over X-mas Break - it was a lot of work, but so fun cutting, sewing together and making the dino teeth border!) |
Happy 28th Birthday David (Jan. 12, 2011) |
32 Weeks and 4 days - Jan. 30, 2011 |
32 Weeks (Disregard the sweaty "glisten," I had just finished a pregnancy workout) |
32 Weeks |
32 Weeks |
Thanks for sharing! I remember from the "girls night" at your Michigan shower, my Mom talking about us getting stuck in her ribs too and how it was NOT FUN. Hang in there!