Friday, March 11, 2011

13 More Days! (maybe!)

I’m on the homestretch people! As “good” as it feels to be almost done…these are the hardest days of pregnancy. Baby boy is getting so big (he measures at week 39, even though I’m 38 weeks)…hopefully that means he’ll come sooner! I don’t think there is any more room for him (even though I’ve thought that for awhile). My new sleeping position is sitting up slightly reclined, somewhat on my side because if I lie down he is so heavy it hurts! We ordered a new recliner rocker/glider and I just can’t wait for it to get here so I can sleep in that!

I’ve been on spring break this week and wow – it’s been unreal. I’ve been so productive! Let’s see….I’ve slept, taken some walks, eaten, watched some T.V. (which I rarely do), baked an amazing batch of chocolate cupcakes with a buttercream frosting and topped them off with chocolate shavings, finished a great book called Heaven is For Real (highly recommend for a quick read), gone out to lunch with my mom, gone out to dinner with fam, snacked on graham crackers covered in the extra icing (that’s why you make the big batch, duh!) lounged around, put the car seat in the car, packed my hospital bags, got my highlights touched up, got a mani and pedi…hmm…yup, that’s about it! After every new task we completed, we would say “Okay, now we’re ready!” But seriously, now I’m ready!!! I guess I needed this week emotionally, physically and spiritually but I am hoping baby boy comes by Monday so I don’t have to go back to work…the thought of getting “nap” sleep all next week while working with my hyper 6th graders doesn’t sound too appealing.

I’m currently bouncing on my birthing ball as I type this, trying to help Kbabe keep movin’ down with a little gravity and movement. Don’t worry…mommy is gently bouncing! My mom is sitting on the couch next to me most definitely playing Farmville probably planting her macaroni and cheese trees and I am loving every second of this special time together. God is good. As much as He knew I needed a week of rest before mommy-hood begins…I think He planned this for Grandma too! It’s been wonderful to see her relax and take life at a slower pace. She has been just as productive as me! Just kidding, she actually worked so hard to help me get stuff done this week…and even made me waffles and brought them to me in bed this morning! (oh yeah, I also bought a waffle maker this week...because I wanted waffles) I don’t know WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT HER? But, it has been so relaxing for us both to not have a schedule and just enjoy the unplanned days with spontaneous desires. We have never had a time like this before!

I wake up each morning now wondering “Is today the day??” I told myself I wouldn’t get too excited for him to come early because most first babies don’t…but it’s so hard to not wish that when I feel so uncomfortable! However, I do trust God with the timing and my heart is in a peaceful place. Well, off to make dinner and then eat at a new frozen yogurt shop called 3 Spoons…you fill up your bowl with your choice flavor of frozen yogurt, then YOU put on the toppings and they weigh it and you eat it! YUM! Can’t wait! Indulging now….while I still can! (haha)  Hmmm...maybe THAT should be dinner?!? Hopefully the next post will tell the most special Birth Day of my life! Thanks for your prayers and love!

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