Jack 6.5 Months! (I wrote this on Oct. 11, but am just now posting...oops)
-Jack started crawling (well, scooting – getting on knees, making a little leap frog movement, flattening out and then getting back on knees. Somehow he seems to get from from side of the room to the other. Now, he does it quite quickly....although he still doesn’t look like a “real” crawl...it’s definitely considered crawling in my book. He can even turn around and come back the other way....especially if he sees the compter in front of me...like now. He just loves to try to get his little fingers all over these keys.
-He doesn’t quite sit up on his own yet though. I try to work on this, but he just leans sideways or back and wants to get movin!
-He started eating rice and oat cereal at 5.5 months and loves it. Just last week I started feeding him peas and green beans...oh and some prunes...for the same reason we all eat prunes..ha. it worked.
-He giggles more and more
-He sleeps great at night – a consistent 10-11 hours! Still napping 3 times a day, he gets tired out easily – like his mom I guess.
-He can easily grab things, pass items from hand to hand, put it in his mouth, drop it and pick it back up.
-I feel like he’s been “teething” for a few month: drool, fussiness, biting on things, etc but no teeth to show for it yet.
Jack 7 Months (Oct. 25)
- Jack sits up on his own now for several minutes. I still need to be nearby, but he takes the face-plant falls like man...that’s my boy J
- He crawls all over – and getting faster each day! and likes to take a few "steps" on his hands and feet (see pic below).
- Jack snuggles into me when I kiss his little neck and it’s sooo cute. I love it.
- Today he took two long naps...here’s to hoping we transition to two good naps a day, instead of 3 that are a bit shorter.
- Jack talks and blabs on and on. Music to my ears. He is getting close to saying dada...on purpose.
- He is eating all sorts of foods, like green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach and even some organic puffs for a snack. And he loves eating!